Kuznetsov Andrey Vladimirovich
, Lecturer, Department of Physical Training and Sports, Novosibirsk Military Institute of Internal Troops im.generala Army IK Yakovlev, the Russian Interior Ministry, cuz.ndrei@yandex.ru, Novosibirsk


The article made formulation of the problem of research of military training for a competition in the service and combat activities. This article analyzes the phenomenon of mental burnout in sports activities, and further defined in the form of a three-component structure. The article reveals the differences in the determination of mental burnout and such forms of maladjustment athletes as stress, overtraining, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome. This direction is also complemented by considering groups of symptoms of mental burnout in sports activities (physical, emotional, behavioral and cognitive). Attention is given to alternative approaches to address the causes of mental burnout in sports activities of military personnel. Also in this article substantiates the idea that there are data which reflect the positive relationship between mental burnout and personal characteristics of athletes. On this basis, summed up the results and draw appropriate conclusions.
mental burnout, sports activities, soldier, combat activities, athlete.

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