Deich Boris Arkadevich
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand.Sci. (Pedag.), Аssoc. Prof., Head of the theory and methodology of educational systems department, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, deich67@mail.ru, Novosibirsk
Galeeva Nadegda Viktorovna
, Assistantof the Department theory and methodology of educational systems, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, nad-vol94@mail.ru, Novosibirsk


The article revealed the relationship between the development of the subculture of childhood of the content and dynamics of supplementary education of children, marked the stages of childhood subculture influence on the nature of supplementary education. Analyzed the development of the concepts of “subculture of childhood” and “supplementary education” in their relationship, modern approaches to the definition of these concepts. Studied different views on childhood as a separate phenomenon, the ratio to the child in different periods. It describes the main components of the world of childhood from the perspective ofethnographers and educators: children's folklore - his discovery as an independent direction; game as the first stage of socialization of the child, the various types of games. Considered the first experience of ansupplementary education as a socially organized activity aimed at the harmonious development of personality, the formation of creativity, freedom of choice, as well as extracurricular activities function. The stagesand the lines of development of supplementary education –people's, community, state, – associated with the development of the subculture of childhood.
children subculture (subculture of childhood),supplementary education, extracurricular activities, childhood, children's folklore, children's games

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