Kurus' Irina Alexandrovna
, Postgraduate student of Department of Psychology of Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, Novosibirsk State Technical University, irina_kurus@rambler.ru, Novosibirsk

Correlation of crisis, crisis experiences and coping strategies of first-year students

The article presents the problem of crises, crisis experiences and the coping strategies of students at the initial stage of training in high school. The empirical study shows that the positive correlation crises and crisis experiences with coping strategies «escape-avoidance», «confrontation», «acceptance of responsibility». Because the strategy is non-adaptive or relatively adaptive and suggest avoiding solutions to problems in imagination, emotional acting out, slovenina, students using these strategies fall into the risk group, which is characterized by the presence of non-adaptive forms of behaviour. The author puts forward an idea about necessity of development of program to train students in the skills of using adaptive coping strategies.
psychological crises, crisis experiences, coping strategies

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