Vysotskaia Anna Vasilievna
, Postgraduate, Novosibirsk State Technical University, 8annika8@gmail.com, Novosibirsk

Psycological and pedagogical aspects of early foreign language education in the context of federal state educational standards

Nowadays requirements for education mean preparation of high quality multidiscipline specialists who are able to develop children's general human skills as well as specific subject skills, which will create the basis for further successful foreign language education. In the article it is said that the problem of specialists shortage in the sphere of early foreign language education exists by reason of innovation and the lack of effective courses for preparation and further stability of teachers' high level competence, comparative analysis of children's skills in the period of early childhood education completion according to the Federal State Educational Standard and required teachers' competence is held, the importance of teachers' skills development in terms of educational standards is proved for the purpose of creating a course for foreign language teachers working in early childhood education schools.
early foreign language education, a foreign language teacher, key, basic and special competencies, additional education schools

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