Emelina Tatyana Vladimirovna
, Deputy Director on Educational Work Secondary, school № 5, emelinatv@mail.ru, Kemerovo
Kasatkina Natalia Emilevna
Доктор педагогических наук, Dr. Sci. (Pedag.), Prof., Prof. of Inter-University Department of General and Intercollegiate University Pedagogy, Kemerovo State University, kasatkina@kemsu.ru, Kemerovo

The aesthetic education of junior schoolchildren in the pedagogical practice

The author of the article considers the problem of aesthetic education of schoolchildren in modern conditions, carries out a review of normative documents regulating various approaches of the education organization. The experience of the work of teachers is generalized in the implementation of the socially important project "School Philharmonic", which is aimed at the disclosure of the creative potential of students, based on the regional component. The authors have made an attempt to summarize the experience of the work in the organization of a methodical platform "The system of the work on aesthetic education within the framework of the interaction of general and additional education in the conditions of the implementation of the federal state educational standard". The notions such as "aesthetic", "aesthetic education of schoolchildren", stable motives, needs and conditions of the formation of aesthetic education in the realities of today's dynamically developing reality are revealed in this article. The article substantiates the necessity of the formation of the aesthetic relation of a student to reality, his notion of the beautiful and the ugly, the sublime and the low-lying, the tragic and the comic, arising in the process of the mastering by a student the world around him. The article presents the results of the integration of general and additional education for the full disclosure of the creative potential of a student, approaches to the organization of the system-activity approach in matters of education and the implementation of the socially important project "School Philharmonic" are prescribed in it as a form of the social interaction.
Aesthetic education, aesthetic perception, aesthetic senses, aesthetic needs, aesthetic ideals, aesthetic judgment, aesthetic opinions, aesthetic convictions, aesthetic attitude

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