Karpova Natalia L'vovna
Доктор психологических наук, Dr. Sci. (Psychol.), Prof., Leading Researcher, Psychological Institute of RAЕ, nlkarpova@mail.ru, Moscow
Kryuchkov Vladimir Petrovich
Доктор филологических наук, Dr. Sci. (Philol.), Prof., Chief of Department, Saratov State University N. G. Chernyshevskij, vpks1@yandex.ru, Saratov
Tereshkova Elena Borisovna
, Speech Therapist, Secondary, School № 6, tereshochek@mail.ru, Saratov
Senatorova Ksenia Pavlovna
, Speech Therapist, Сenter of Surdoaudio, ksusha64rus@mail.ru, Saratov
Pugovkina Elena Aleksandrovna
, Educational Psychologist, School № 1, eapugovkina2015@yandex.ru, Kinel-Cherkassy, Samara Region

Space of humanity in family group logopsychotherapy

The article deals with psychological, pedagogical, culturological, defectological and logopedic problem of humanization of educational and correctional space as an example of work with stutterers and their families. Long-term experience of family group logopsychotherapy system is submitted and the humanistic component of the system is analyzed with the example of the first logopsychotherapy group in Saratov. This experience included techniques of combining individual and group modes of work in the process of education and personality rehabilitation, organizing pedagogical activity in different ages educational and correction groups, as well as ways of coordinating the work of parents (or substituting persons), social educational specialists, psychologists, speech therapists, additional education specialists in trainees personality development process. The results of logoneurosis correction are commented with diagnostic data and feedback from the participants of different ages groups.
humanistic problems, logoneurosis, multiaged group, family, logopsychotherapy.

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