Sharipov Marat Foatovich
, Lecturer of department of the History of Physical culture, sport and Olympic Education, Ural State University of Physical Culture, girewik1987@bk.ru, Chelyabinsk


The article discusses the process of development regarding the readiness of students with a Bachelor of Physical Culture to sport-pedagogical management. An experimental study was conducted to explore this issue further. The article opens with the description and experimental justification of the complex of pedagogical conditions regarding the process of development to readiness, as well as ways to implement them. The data used in the study was based of a comparison of various complex pedagogical conditions versus individual pedagogical conditions upon the educational process of the Bachelor of Physical Education. With the help of mathematical statistics and comparative analysis, it is proved that an entire complex of developed pedagogical conditions is most effective for implementing the studied pedagogical process. The results founded reflects the influence of pedagogical conditions on motivational, evaluative, cognitive, operational, and reflective components of readiness for sport-pedagogical management.
development, readiness, bachelor of physical education, sport-pedagogical management.

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