Dzhurinskiy Alexander Naumovich
Доктор педагогических наук, Dr. Sci. (Pedag.), Prof. of the Department of pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Moscow State Pedagogical University, djurins@yandex.ru, Moscow


In the article, in comparative terms, the author examinesthe theory and practice of compensatory education in secondary school in leading foreign countries, the recipients of which are lagging students (students with academic problems), students who have problems with the law, gifted children, children with disabilities, immigrants and all other groups of children who can use it. Suchinterrelatedconcepts as: the quality of education, effectiveness of education, compensatory education are used in the article. The quality of education is defined as the achievement of educational objectives. Under the effectiveness of education we understand - bridging the gap between educational objectives and the realities of General Education. Under compensatory training – additional pedagogical efforts of teachers and students, to increase the effectiveness of education and thereby to solve the task of improving its quality.The author analyses the prospects of application of foreign experience of compensatory education in the national school.
compensatory education, performance assessment, education of low achieved, education of delinquents, education of gifted children, education of handicapped children, education of immigrants.

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