Gazizova Tatyana Vladislavovna
, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy, Lesosibirsky Pedagogical Institute – a branch of the Siberian Federal University, Lesosibirsky Pedagogical Institute – a branch of the Siberian Federal University, gaztan@mail.ru, Lesosibirsk
Kolesnikova Tatyana Alekseevna
, Assis. of the Department of Pedagogy, Lesosibirsky Pedagogical Institute – a branch of the Siberian Federal University, Lesosibirsky Pedagogical Institute – a branch of the Siberian Federal University, kolesnikovatanya.96@mail.ru, Lesosibirsk
Alexandr Alexandr Igorevich
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci. (Pedag.), Assoc. Prof. of the Department of Pedagogy, Lesosibirsky Pedagogical Institute – a branch of the Siberian Federal University, Lesosibirsky Pedagogical Institute – a branch of the Siberian Federal University, pelenkov@mail.ru, Lesosibirsk


The process of preparation of students of pedagogical high school to personal participation in the formulation and implementation of educational projects. The influence of project activities on the process of formation of professional competence of future primary school teachers. The work paid attention to, and determined by the value of the sequence to the basic steps used in the formation of the design activity of students. The author makes an attempt to create a kind of universal model that can be used by students for self-preparation of the pedagogical project. Special attention is paid to the use of goal-setting and self-monitoring techniques in general for the whole project to create, and for the individual stages of work on it. A significant contribution to the science of teaching and methodological orientation has offered jobs to help activate the process of nomination of the initial idea and its subsequent development for specific conditions, the promotion of ways to control the result. In addition, the article is indicated by the value of the project activities for the personal development of future elementary school teachers, stressed the need for formation of skills transfer of theoretical knowledge into practical experience.
pedagogical project, the project activity, universal educational activities, pedagogical competence.

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