Kolesnikova Tatyana Alekseyevna
, Assistant of the Department of Pedagogy Lesosibirsky Pedagogical Institute – a branch of the Siberian Federal University, Lesosibirsky Pedagogical Institute – a branch of the Siberian Federal University, kolesnikovatanya.96@mail.ru, Lesosibirsk


A serious study of the social aspect of the education of the younger generation is the problem of determining the criteria, indicators and levels of evaluation of social education of younger schoolchildren. It is suggested that most of the criteria, the indicators presented in psychological and pedagogical literature, belong to the assessment of the organization of educational process, the identification of the moral education of the child. In this connection, based on an analysis of psycho-pedagogical, scientific and methodological materials, legal documents, based on the socialization indicators proposed A. V. Mudrik considering modern concepts and approaches to education in educational institutions, which are represented by I. N. Stepanov and L. M. Luzin, as well as age-appropriate primary school age, we identified criteria: cognitive (socially significant knowledge), emotional and social (experience of social relations) and connotative-effective (the experience of social behavior) and relevant indicators. For each approach identified three levels of social education: high, medium and low.
Federal state educational standard of primary education (GEF LEO), criteria, level evaluation, education, social education, junior high school students.

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