Pasechnikova Natalia Viktorovna
, Graduate Student of the Taganrog (branch) of the Rostov State University of Economics, Rostov State University of Economics, natala89@bk.ru, Taganrog
Makarchenko Michael Gennadievich
Доктор педагогических наук, Dr. Sci. (Pedag.), Assist. Prof. of the Department of Mathematics, Taganrog (branch) of the Rostov State University of Economics, Department of Mathematics, Taganrog (branch) of the Rostov State University of Economics, mmakarchenko@mail.ru, Taganrog


In the article the basic conceptual apparatus of the logical context: the context of teaching material for mathematics, logical context, the context of the nature of logical reasoning, the context of formal reasoning, context intended use logical reasoning, the context of formal reasoning, the context of rational reasoning. Results of species differences logical context of rational reasoning to the context of formal reasoning. Described typology logical context in the text of the textbook on mathematics for primary school. Examples of different types of logical context. In the line of text analysis textbooks in mathematics for primary school it was found the percentage of the logical context of the first to fourth grade. And also revealed the percentage ratio of the context of rational reasoning and context of formal arguments in the texts of textbooks in mathematics one line for elementary school.
context, logical context, the context of the nature of logical reasoning, the context of the purpose use of logical reasoning, the context of formalized reasoning, the context of rational reasoning.

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