Bajakhmetov Serik Umutbayevich
, The Head of the Military-Scientific Department – Scientific Secretary of the Military Institute of the National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan, The Head of the Military-Scientific Department – Scientific Secretary of the Military Institute of the National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan, vno.pvvu@mail.ru, Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan


In article the process of vocational training determined by conditions of training in military higher education institution, consciously operated by future officer is suggested, the structurally functional model of formation of professional and personal self-development of the cadet in educational and educational process of military higher education institution is offered and pedagogical approaches, the principles, the conditions applied in studied process are proved. The article in questions presents an attempt to find a reasonable combination of the personality-and-activity-oriented and system approaches in a pedagogical research. Structural-functional modeling is suggested as an appropriate methodological toolset. Designing a model of professional and personal self-development of prospective officers at a military institution of higher education is based on a complex of pedagogical preconditions which allow enhancing cadets’ theoretical background, help raise their personal responsibility for acquiring knowledge, developing skills, building strong awareness of personal value of self-developmental activities in the system of the military professional education.
pedagogical approach, pedagogical principle, structurally functional model, professional and personal self-development, cadet.

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