Voloshina Tatyana Victorovna
Кандидат психологических наук, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of Correctional Pedagogy and Psychology Department, Novosibirsk state pedagogical university, fppd.voloshina@ngs.ru, Novosibirsk
Sizikova Tatyana Eduardovna
Кандидат психологических наук, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, the Docent of Correctional Pedagogy and Psychology Department, Novosibirsk state teacher training university, tat@ccru.ru, Novosibirsk
Stunzha Nadezda Alexandrovna
, Postgraduate, Faculty of psychology, National Research Institute of Higher School of Economics, nadezda.stunzha@gmail.com, Moscow


The article gives the analytical justification for the relationship between the new educational approaches to the Internet – Web 3.0 technologies, Web 4.0 and psychological changes in the intellectual, mental activity. The authors identify a new kind of thinking – thinking content, which is a new competence of modern education. The article also shows fragmentary teaching of technology in the education 3.0.
Content of thinking, content, Internet technologies Web 3.0, Web 4.0, synergetic principle, system principle, personality, educational activities

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