Andreeva Ekaterina Evgenievna
, Graduate student of the Department of Pedagogy, Ural State Pedagogical University, Ural State Pedagogical University, bulgackova@yandex.ru, Ekaterinburg


Modernization of Russian education has identified the transition from the cognitive to the competence approach in education that led to the renewal of the Federal state educational standards. In modern society the need for quality legal education is an indisputable fact that, undoubtedly, causes the importance of mastering the legal competences of the graduates. Unlike higher education, where the FSES HPE provides a list of competencies that must possess graduate (including law), which is dedicated to the scientific research, development of legal competencies within secondary education are not directly reflected in the FSES SE nor binders, nor in the writings of scholars. In the article the necessity of formation of legal competence of students grades 10–11, defined the concept of “legal competence of students grades 10–11”, submitted to its components and indicators.
competence, legal competence, legal competence of students grades 10–11, competence approach, secondary education, subject “Law”

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