Skrypnikova Ekaterina Michailovna
Без ученой степени, Undergraduate of chair of Pedagogy and Psychology IIGSO, Novosibirsk state pedagogical university, katrine13@mail.ru, Novosibirsk


The article explains the relevance of potential of practice of participation of children in decision making for implementation of a mission of additional education. The problem of ambiguity of understanding of a phenomenon of participation of children in decision making influences quality of its implementation in various social practices (school, additional education, children's public organizations). In this regard, the author presents the analysis of foreign researches of participation of children and youth in decision making realizing the pedagogical potential of this process and its opportunity in ensuring development of additional education of children. Presented different interpretations of participation, considered the educational potential of additional education. The author identifies the developed directions of a research of participation: involvement of children in participation, assessment of participation of children; types, stages of participation of children in decision making.
civic engagement, civic identity, additional children's education, self-development, self-education, the participation of children in decision-making

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