Ibliaminova Mariam Rashidovna
, Applicant of the Department of Methodology of Education, Saratov State University named after N. G. Chernyshevsky, mary4613@mail.ru, Saratov

Pedagogical support of students in the design and implementation of individual educational trajectories

The article discusses the concept of “pedagogical support” as a specific form of pedagogical activity in the design and implementation of students` individual educational trajectories. The author defines its essence of the concept. The study determined that the conditions making more active the process of pedagogical support effect on the value base formation of self-awareness, self-development, self-identity. It is found out that the main condition of support is “protection” throughout the furtherance along the trajectory. Therefore the teacher`s functional responsibilities are carried out at the student`s request, therefore the understanding of acquiring their own experience contributes to his personal growth. It was paid attention to the barriers and factors that hinder the active interaction between the student and teacher that can address the whole educational process.
pedagogical support, individual educational trajectory, self-awareness, self-development, self-determination.

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