Kozinets Natalya Nikolaevna
, Senior teacher of Department of Physical and Mathematical Disciplines and Professional and Technological Education, Tyumen state university, kozinec.natalya@bk.ru, Ishim

Professional training of the teacher for system of additional education of children

In article modern requirements to quality of system of additional education of children and distinctive features of professional development of the additional education teacher, and also the requirement to its vocational training reveal. A research objective – studying of specifics of activity of the additional education teacher and psychology and pedagogical maintenance of its activity as bases of professional formation and development of the teacher. Intrinsic characteristics and specifics of system of additional education of children reveal; continuity at all steps of professional preparation taking into account multilevel process of education; detection of features of professional activity of the additional education teacher; aiming of process of training of future teacher at ability of pupils to apply general-theoretical knowledge and practical experience. Existence of professional and personal consciousness and professional and personal development of future additional education teacher allows to judge increase in professional standard. The conclusion is drawn on increase in the importance of psychology and pedagogical maintenance as bases of professional activity of the teacher.
additional education, expert of additional education, professional training of the additional education teacher.

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