Klimov Vladimir Mihailovich
, Head of the Department of Physical Education, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, klvl77@yandex.ru, Novosibirsk
Aizman Roman Idelevich
Доктор биологических наук, Dr. Sci. (Biolog.), Prof. of the Department of the Anatomy, Physiology and Safety of life, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, aizman.roman@yandex.ru, Novosibirsk

Assessment of social psychological adaptation and psychoemotional status of the first and second year students of technical university

The article presents the results of the study of social psychological adaptation and psychoemotional state of the first and second year students of technical university by using the following methods: “Assessment of social psychological adaptation” (according to A.K. Osnitsky), “Self-assessment of mental states” (according to G. Eysenck ), “Assessment of the level of reactive and personal anxiety” (according to Ch. D. Spielberg, Yu. L. Khanin), “Diagnosis of the state of aggression” (Bassa-Darka), “Determination of the stress resistance level”. It was established that the adaptation potential and mental state of the students are at an optimal level. But gender differences were found – the young men had higher adaptability, dominance, stress resistance and less anxiety and frustration level. A strong correlation relationship between the psychoemotional status of students and the level of their social adaptation has been revealed.
social psychological adaptation, psychoemotional status, students, correlation analysis.

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