Stepanov Paul Valentinovich
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci. (Pedag.), Deputy head of the Center of Strategy and Theory of Education of the Personality, FSSI Institute of Strategy of the Development of Education the Russian Academy of Education, semya-2005@yandex.ru, Moscow

The concept of “upbringing” in modern pedagogical studies

This article gives analysis of various interpretations to the notion of "upbringing", used today by Russian and foreign researchers. The conducted analysis provided an opportunity not only to summarize various scientific views on upbringing and find out the points of convergence among modern scholars, important for the productive development of the theory of upbringing. It also made possible to discover certain differences in their research positions. The last ones are conditioned primarily due to aspiration of the representatives of the scientific community to focus their attention on this or that particularly important aspect of upbringing, as they see it, or, on the contrary, by their dissatisfaction with the fact that one or other aspect of upbringing unjustly prevails within the explanatory model, which is used by the scientific community. Besides, the analysis of the various definitions of the term "upbringing" will allow us to correlate it more accurately with other notions, such as: development, socialization, education, and instruction.
upbringing, development, socialization, education, instruction, the research approach.

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