Ptahina Yuliya Alexandrovna
, Senior Lecturer, Kuzbass Regional Institute of Skills Improvement and Retraining for Educators, yuliya.kemerovo@mail.ru, Kemerovo

Educational model of psycho-pedagogical support of professional self-boarding schools pupils with different adaptive possibilities

In the article the problem of the formation of social experience at senior pupils of boarding schools receives full coverage. These submissions indicate that the formation of the social experience of senior residential care tailored to the psychosomatic health should be based on a set of focused consistent action of psychology and pedagogical and medical and social nature, aimed at enhancing the adaptive capacity of the individual (psychological stability, physical readiness, communicative behavior, moral and normative indicators of socialization), and providing self-determination of students. The article describes the main components of the pedagogical model of the formation of social experience of senior pupils of boarding schools. Obtained purpose of ascertaining and forming experiment, as well as the form of training of senior pupils of boarding schools in context of the indicators of health and behavior strategies; the factors affecting and contributing to the formation of the social experience are described. The model includes the goal, objectives, principles, stages; identified areas; a dedicated function; characterized by forms of support given health outcomes; developed monitoring of formation of social experience of students on the basis of criteria and indicators. We have developed a pedagogical model of formation of social experience. It will improve the effectiveness of training of senior pupils of boarding schools to interact with other people in the environment of changing social reality, assuming equally the development of variants of interaction with others, understanding of what is happening, foreseeing the consequences of their actions, conscious of self, understanding of the social environment, taking into account factors which are help or hinder the process.
psychology and pedagogical support, the formation of the social experience, social and adaptive behavior and health saving, senior pupils of boarding schools, model

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