Perevozkina Julia Mihajlovna
Кандидат психологических наук, Cand. Sci. (Psychol.), Assoc. Prof. of the Department of Practical and Special Psychology, Novosibirsk state pedagogical university, per@brk.ru, Novosibirsk

Impasa-role model for diagnostics of the person socialization

Article Submissions open bases impasa-role diagnostics features of socialization. It reflected the basic principles and approaches to the phenomenon of socialization. Summed up the methodological bases to the socialization process in the context of the symbolic interactionism, considering identity as a set of social roles that are realized in interpersonal interaction. It reflected the basic direction of the diagnostic characteristics of the subject of socialization. We discuss the basic methodological foundations for understanding unconscious socialization trends. It is proved that the basis of socialization are the underlying determinants of role imposits by which the possibility of predicting the nature of socialization. Reveals the essence and content of the new concept of “role imposits” in modern psychology, reflecting the role invariants of socialization of the person at different stages. Proposed diagnostic impasa-role socialization model, which is based on the basic provisions C. G. Jung’s of the theory of archetypes and psychological types, G. Mead’s role of conditionality socialization and M. Luscher’s the theory of color types, and their projection in the motivational, emotional and personal spheres. Described in detail the diagnostic situation impasa-role socialization in five areas. The conclusion of the diagnostic efficiency of socialization in various areas, determining the adequacy of the perception of the social role and the success of socialization through diagnostic impasa-role model.
socialization, identity, social need, role, interpersonal interaction, role imposits, unconscious, archetypes, invariant, the sphere of socialization

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