Panshina Lyudmila Vasilievna
, Postgraduate student of Psychological Department, Novosibirsk state pedagogical university, ludapan6@mail.ru, Novosibirsk

Markers of deviant behavior in a high school students and the way of prevention

The article discovered an actual term of teen’s psychological support in educational environments. Authors identified markers of teen’s deviant behavior by making analysis of scientific research. The article presents the results of review of prevention projects of deviant behavior designed by Russian researchers. Authors propose a prevention way of teen’s deviant behavior. And a key point is to find out a conflict in a particular life spheres (personal, family, interpersonal, professional, and intimate) of teens tending to deviant behavior. Authors suppose that creating a psychosocial profile of school students with a negative action in interpersonal relationships might be essential in the prevention of deviant behavior.
markers of deviant behavior, teens, prevention, life spheres, education environment

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