Shamshikova Olga Alexandrovna
Кандидат психологических наук, Cand. Sci. (Psychol.), Head of the Department of general psychology and history of psychology, Prof., Novosibirsk state pedagogical university, shamol56@rambler.ru, Novosibirsk
Belashina Tatiana Valentinovna
, Senior lecturer of the Department of general psychology and history of psychology, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, tatyanabelashina@mail.ru, Novosibirsk

Features aggression and anger in adolescence (based on the sample psychology students and cadets of military high school)

The article features actualized the problem of emotional sphere of human experience on the example of the emotion of anger. A brief overview of the main theoretical approaches to the study of anger in psychology from the first references to the present. The results of an empirical study investigated the severity of aggression and anger parameters in each group of subjects: psychology students and the military high school students. The estimation of the significance of differences in the manifestation of anger and aggression parameters in each group. It is shown, that the respondents Group 1 tend to be more open and spontaneous acts of aggression and anger. At the same time, they have sufficiently developed skills of self-control of their own behavior and actions. For respondents Group 2 expression is peculiar to control and suppress the manifestations of anger outward, which may be due to the specific professional orientation.
emotions, emotional sphere, aggression, anger, diagnostics

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