Palyanov Mikhail Pavlovich
Доктор педагогических наук, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Comparative Analysis of the Systems of Professional Education, Kuzbass Regional Institute of Development of Vocational Education, annarost707@yandex.ru, Kemerovo
Pakxomova Elena Alekseevna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Assistant Professor, Kuzbass Regional Institute of Development of Vocational Education, pahomova-ea@ako.ru, Kemerovo
Demchenko Anna Rostislavovna
Кандидат педагогических наук, senior scientific researcher of the laboratory of the comparative analysis of the systems of professional education, Kuzbass Regional Institute of Development of Vocational Education, annarost707@yandex.ru, Kemerovo
Balankhina Svetlana Vitalyevna
, Deputy Director, Novokuznetsk Olympic Reserve School, svbalahnina@mail.ru, Novokuznetsk

Professional Self -Deter mination in the Labor Market Conditions of Students in Ger man Educational Syste m

The articles examines the issues of self-determination of student in German educational system with the orientation to labor market . The author defines the forms and methods of the formation of professional self-determination, comments on the issues of interaction of educational institutions and social partners and their influence on the professional self-determination of students.A comparative analysis of the formation of the professional self-determination of German and Russian students is held.
professional self-determination, interaction of schools and social partners, stages of professional self-development